Worldwide HPC and AI 2022 Total Market Size and 2023–2027 Forecast: Products and Services


This Intersect360 Research report presents the 2022 total market size and five-year forecast for the overall market for scalable, high-performance data center infrastructure for High Performance Computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI), segmented into product and services categories, including servers, storage, services, software, networks, cloud, and other products. The forecast horizon is from 2023 through 2027, with compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) using 2022 as a base.

This report presents multiple views of the market for infrastructure for HPC and AI. The “traditional HPC” market view represents HPC user budgets. In most cases, these environments have evolved to include machine learning as part of their overall workloads, and HPC budgets have generally increased because of machine learning; they are still essentially HPC budgets, for systems that would have existed regardless of machine learning. The “expanded HPC-AI” view incorporates the growing effect of spending on scalable infrastructure for AI workloads that is not associated with an HPC budget, i.e., spending that only exists for the sake of machine learning, not HPC. This usually relates to the training of AI models, although in some cases we find scalable clustered systems used for AI inference

Intersect360 Research defines HPC as the use of servers, clusters, and supercomputers—plus associated software, tools, components, storage, and services—for scientific, engineering, or analytical tasks that are particularly intensive in computation, memory usage, or data management. Additionally, this report tracks similar infrastructure for machine learning and deep learning.

Intersect360 Research reports available in this series include the following segmentations:

  • Products and Services: servers, storage, networks, software, service, cloud, other
  • Vertical markets: academia, national security, national research labs, national agencies, state or local governments, bio sciences, chemical engineering, consumer product manufacturing, electronics, energy, financial services, large product manufacturing, media and entertainment, retail, transportation, other
  • Regions: North America, EMEA, Asia-Pacific, Latin America
  • Server class (HPC server revenue): entry-level, midrange, high-end, supercomputer
  • Cloud categories (HPC cloud revenue): raw cycles, cloud storage, application hosting (SaaS), infrastructure hosting (IaaS, PaaS), other (traditional HPC model only)
  • Software categories (HPC software revenue): operating environments, developer tools, middleware, storage software, transfer costs, application software, other (traditional HPC model only)
  • Services categories (HPC services revenue): maintenance and repair, system engineering, system integration, training, programming services, other (traditional HPC model only)
  • HPC server market shares (total on-premises HPC and AI, current year only, not forecast)

Worldwide HPC-AI Market Size

The tradtional HPC market revenue grew to $38.1 billion ($38,085 million) in 2022, up 8.1% from 2021. While some HPC users reported in Intersect360 Research surveys that supply chain issues did affect their ability to spend their complete budgets within the calendar year, this nevertheless reflects a market return to steady, solid, post-pandemic growth.

The expanded HPC-AI market grew to $44.4 billion ($44,431 million) in 2022, up 11.3% from 2021. Compared to the traditional HPC view above, this includes $6.3 billion ($6,346 million) in dedicated AI budgets not associated with HPC. This figure does not include the $17.9 billion spent by the Hyperscale market on AI and HPC infrastructure, which dwarfs the rest of the market.

Our forecast represents a return to steady growth following the recent pandemic-affected years. The HPC market will grow at a 6.1% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2022 through 2027, to reach $51.2 billion ($51,151 million) in 2027. The expanded HPC-AI market will grow at a 6.3% CAGR from 2022 through 2027, to reach $60.4 billion ($60,397 million) in 2027. The slightly higher growth rate between this model and the traditional HPC view in the previous section represents the relatively faster growth of dedicated AI budgets outside of HPC.

Following eight straight years of double-digit growth, cloud computing will soon see the final year in its streak. Over the course of the forecast period, cloud computing will near its maximum penetration of HPC spending, with new HPC cloud deployments balanced by on-premises repatriation.

By the end of the decade, the “pure AI” market will begin to diminish, or else the distinction between scalable, high-performance infrastructure for HPC and machine learning will become less relevant. In the long run, Intersect360 Research expects the two views of the market to merge back together.