
The Workstation Is Sexy Again

Oh, Yeah – The Workstation Is Sexy Again (Just Please Don’t Call It a Personal Supercomputer) as published in HPCWire For over 10 years, from the late 1980s throughout the 1990s, technical workstations were the stunningly sexy starlets of the computing world. Advancements in graphics cards and RISC microprocessors gave engineers and scientists unprecedented performance…
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Cloud Computing Opportunities in HPC: Market Taxonomy

As published in HPCWire This article is excerpted from “Cloud Opportunities in HPC: Market Taxonomy,” published by InterSect360 Research. The full article was distributed to subscribers of the InterSect360 market advisory service and can also be obtained by contacting sales@intersect360.com. In Life, the Universe, and Everything, the third book of Douglas Adams’ whimsical Hitchhiker fantasy…
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Licensed to Bill?

HPC Application Software Vendors Begin to Adapt to the Demands of Utility, SaaS, and Cloud Computing as published in HPCWire At a casual glance it seems the entire High Performance Computing industry is going gung ho on clouds. HPC system vendors are launching cloud-enabled infrastructure services. Middleware providers offer solutions for migrating applications to public,…
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Impressions of ISC 2010

As published in HPCWire Returning to ISC after a hiatus of several years and viewing the event from the vantage point of an industry analyst, the show appears to have made a quantum leap in terms of the size and sophistication of the exhibition, and the degree and intensity of business activity. The exhibit hall,…
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As published at www.openfabrics.org I learned three important things about OFED at the recent OFA workshop in Monterey, CA: 1) OFED is critical to a significant and growing number of organizations, but … 2) Almost none of those organizations realize it, and that is why … 3) The perception of OFED is a significant limiting…
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The Opportunity for Predictive Analytics in Finance

As published in HPCwire It is often said that managing enterprise risk and micro risk is about finding the needle in the haystack. Predictive analytics uses powerful computers with large memory and storage to eliminate 90 percent of the hay. These are those “easy” decisions that a computer can handle effortlessly. The modeling systems then…
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Digital Manufacturing Report Card: Who’s Finding the Missing Middle?

As published in Digital Manufacturing Report. Numerous initiatives from government and industry have been created to address the “Missing Middle” — small manufacturers who have not adopted the digital manufacturing techniques of computer-aided modeling and simulation. Intersect360 Research has studied this area extensively and has been closely involved with several of these initiatives. In this…
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The Big Data Opportunity for HPC

As published in Datanami The world is changing, this time at the speed of data… With the explosion of new devices, sensors, GIS-based services, social networks, and cutting edge tools that deliver real-time feeds over the web and into datacenters large and small, global data generation continues unchecked. Despite this near-constant flood of data, many…
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Revisiting Supercomputer Architectures

As published in HPCwire The chronology of high performance computing can be divided into “ages” based on the predominant systems architectures for the period. Starting in the late 1970s vector processors dominated HPC. By the end of the next decade massively parallel processors were able to make a play for market leader. For the last…
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An SC12 Party for the Rest of Us

An interview with Beowulf pioneer Thomas Sterling on the iconic Beowulf Bash as published in HPCwire and iSGTW With each successive year, the SC conference kicks off on Monday with a bigger bang. The Technical Sessions are already in full swing as exhibitors scramble to complete their booths prior to the Gala Opening Monday evening.…
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